AUTOTHOTS - Script Archive


In August 2022, I began a project with the goal of sourcing either scans or clear, fully readable photographs of every script for IDW's More Than Meets The Eye and Lost Light comics sold at conventions by their writer James Roberts. The motivation behind this collection is to prevent any of these scripts, which were sold mostly by Roberts through conventions from 2013 through to 2022, from becoming "lost media" as time goes on. From personal experience, ephemera like this tends to wind up inevitably getting lost track of over the years, as people leave fandom, move house and lose things, etc.

These scripts are, in a lot of cases, literally just printer paper stapled together and sold at cons to a very few people. I would hate to see these disappear in a decade or two because they were not able to stand the test of time, or were lost in house moves, or anything like that- they contain a near-unprecedented amount of behind-the-scenes detail for an ongoing comic of the type MTMTE/LL is. Rarely do franchise ongoings like these get the sort of in-depth BTS material represented in them.

So in 2022, after buying what was left at TFNation that year, I began to source donations of scanned scripts from people who had been attending TFNation over the past decade in the hopes of putting together as full an archive of them for the future as could be found. Including the ones I had, we currently have 19 scripts, including some we have in both the standard and annotated formats. The ones in our collection are as follows:

The Transformers #22 and #23 as Chaos Theory (standard)
More Than Meets The Eye #3, Life After The Big Bang (standard)
More Than Meets The Eye #4, The Weeping Dead (standard)
More Than Meets The Eye #6, Interiors (annotated)
More Than Meets The Eye #9, Shadowplay Part One: Post Hoc
More Than Meets The Eye #12, Before and After (standard)
More Than Meets The Eye #16, The Gloaming (standard)
More Than Meets The Eye #22, Little Victories (annotated)
More Than Meets The Eye #28, World Shut Your Mouth: Towards Peace (annotated)
More Than Meets The Eye #31, Twenty Plus One (standard)
More Than Meets The Eye #35, The Custom Made Now (standard)
More Than Meets The Eye #38, Elegant Chaos: Predestination, an Expert's Guide (annotated)
More Than Meets The Eye #39, The Permanent Revolution (annotated)
More than Meets The Eye #40, Our Steps Will Always Rhyme (standard and annotated)
More Than Meets The Eye #47, The Lopsided Triangle (standard)
The Transformers Holiday Special, Silent Light/MTMTE #50 backup script (annotated)
Lost Light #6, This Machine Kills Fascists (annotated)
Lost Light #6, This Machine Kills Fascists (standard)
More Than Meets The Eye #50, How Bright Their Frail Deeds (annotated)
Lost Light #13, Sardines (annotated)
Lost Light #25, How To Say Goodbye And Mean It: Part 2 (annotated)

The ones we know to exist and which we are currently attempting to source are:

More Than Meets The Eye #12, Before & After (annotated)
More Than Meets The Eye #14, Remembrance Day (standard)
More Than Meets The Eye #21, Remain In Light Part 5: This Calamitous Life (standard)
More Than Meets The Eye #35, The Custom-Made Now - An Elegant Chaos Prologue (annotated)
More Than Meets The Eye #43, The One Where They Go To Earth (annotated)
More Than Meets The Eye #55, The Dying of the Light: Do Not Go Gentle (unknown)

There may be more! These are ones I have been able to confirm. At the moment, this archive is not being made fully public. I do not want this archive to impact on the creators' ability to make money by selling his work; the purpose of it is to keep this stuff from being lost in the future, not to stop people buying his scripts or books as he sees fit, and making this widely available at the moment might do that as he has not confirmed whether he will ever sell any more of these scripts going forward. Therefore, at present I am keeping the link to this archive private to be handed out to contributors and people who request it on a case by case basis, on the understanding that the link not be made public at this time. If you have any scripts (or other archival material you think would be of interest) you wish to contribute, or want to request individual access to any of the scans, please contact me either by:

Twitter: auto_thots
Tumblr: decepti-thots

Thanks for reading, and feel free to let me know at the above if you have any questions about this or similar projects!